27 June, 2009

Chocolate in the making

It's Tyia!

Oh, hello, little creatures of the chocolate- eating earth!

Guess what!

Wanna guess?


Okay, I'll tell you!

Amazing news!

I made chocolate!

I made it!

It needs a little work done on it,'s terribly bitter.

I made the mixture, hardened it just a little bit...then molded it into the shape of tears.

Then I put it in the freezer so it could freeze, and I forgot about them.


I'm getting so old!

I hope I don't get the monkey mind!

That's what you, I think it's Alzheimer's, or something like that?

Anyway, I remembered them a week later.

I just ate one piece...I didn't make it any farther then half of the second piece.

Everything went into the garbage!

What a waste, what a're to blame.

Oh, I think I have an idea for the next post...

Oh well.

I just thought I'd say hello!

Good bye, my chickens of chocolate!

Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Lou-Lou, happy birthday to

Another P.S.
Cocoa got his ipod!
He needs song ideas.
(He's not allowed to listen to 'Vanilla snow"
here's his favorite song:

06 June, 2009

The chocolate of life

Tyia here!

The chocolate of love. Laughter. Hope. Faith. Truth. And chocolate itself.

Why not describe all these special meanings?

(meanings to be kind, in case that first sentence doesn't make sense)

(things that tell us why we should live and be kind, in case both of those sentences don't clear it)

What would we do without it? It shows that we care about people, that there's more to life
Love shows more than boxes of cheap chocolate or bouquets of odd smelling roses.
Love is power...and not the power from your bottom.

The thing that comes out of your mouth...musical air.
Sometimes, well, all the time, laughter can help you stop crying.
It feels good, but only rarely feels right.

The thing that makes your spirits rise and the butterflies in your stomach flutter around.
But what is the reason for hope?
Why did God give us hope?
Don't go around asking those two questions...cause, Sweet-cakes, let me tell ya...those are all mine.
I will even answer them for you...He gave us hope so we have a CHANCE.
A CHANCE at life...a CHANCE at love...a chance at dreaming.
That word, CHANCE, describes it all.
Oh yeah. That's right.

My second favorite.
Faith shows people you trust them.
You trust them not to slap you in the face when your having a "Moment".
Faith lets people know you trust them not to give you those cheap, nasty boxes of chocolates you'll probably never eat.
When someone does do something to you that you don't like at all
-like stealing your dove chocolate while your on the bus just minding your own business and your just a poor old lady who don't got no time to get out her bazooka-
Where were we?
Oh, yes.
If someone does that, say:
"I'm sorry you're a jerk."
Then you move on.
You will show no faith in them what so ever.
See? Faith shows them they are a weird way.

Oh, Truth.
Perfect name for a book...a song...anything, really.
A pet...
Truth is all powerful.
One thing affected by Truth's gravitational pull to affects the future. Sometimes the past...maybe?
The past.
The future later would be the past.
If you told a lie right now, it would affect everything.
In the future, you'd be all like,
"Oh, I told a lie a few years ago! Ha ha ha ha! And now, the world's being sucked into a black hole that will cause all human beings to DIE."
Ok, so chances are you wont be like that.
But, if you do tell a lie, the future will change.
Like if you're not already married, one lie can cause you to never get married.
Get it?
"I hate Cold Play."
And you really love it, but you say that to fit in with the 'Down with Cold Play' group.
The boy/girl you would've married might be in the Cold Play fan club, and if you say you hate it, then he/she will believe you...then you tell him/her it was all a lie and he knows you're a lying raccoon.
Then, you fly into a depression.
Asking yourself questions like,
"Why did I lie?"
"Am I a bratty pig?"
"Will I ever escape of this depression planet, and finally go to that concert?"
Will you learn that lying is wrong?
Yea, I thought so.

Ah, chocolate.
Cry tears of joy, take little bites at a time...
This lesson of life is my personal favorite.
Because this...this tiny square package of joy describes all the lessons of life above.
You love chocolate.
Chocolate brings laughter
You have Hope in getting the new rib flavored chocolate bar.
You have Faith in the chocolate makers.
Chocolate is truthful about it's rich and creamy flavors.
And chocolate.
I's awesome.

03 June, 2009

Little bites at a time...

Hello, It's Tyia!

Today I have a special guest I'm interviewing.

Please welcome...



T: Hello, Lilly

L: Hello.

T: Ok, let's begin.

When you get chocolate bar, what's the first thing you do?

L: it?

T: Ok, do you eat it, exactly?

L: I take bites.

T: And the bites are big?

L: How am I supposed to know? Like I measure how big my bites are!

T: Well, here's a chocolate bar.

Take a bite, and we will see how big the bites are.

Eat it like you always would.

Nice, big chucks of chocolate swirling around in your mouth-

L: Alright lady, enough!

*Lilly takes big bite of chocolate*

T: Ok, that bite was pretty big. That's just what I needed.

L: What the heck...

T: Shh. Just listen.

Ok, so you take big bites. But chocolate is a beautiful treat that must be eaten properly.

So, little bites at a time.

L: Ok, I get it. Enjoy the chocolate of life. Take your time. Don't force it down.

T: Right.

L: But what if a hobo takes my chocolate? And I can't buy anymore?

T: Lilly, dear, you have money. You have a mustang convertible! How would you not be able to buy more?

L: What if the hobo took my money, too?

T: Then you can drive to the bank and get some more.

L: ....what if the hobo took-

T: OK! Chances are this wont HAPPEN!!!!!!! So Lilly, sweet-cakes, let's move on.

L: I'm just sayin', what if it does happen? What do I do then?

T: Ok! You walk to the bank, you buy a new car! Maybe a limo! I don't know.

Then you track down the hobo, tackle him, jump on his face! Then take EVERYTHING BACK. And use the money to buy more chocolate.

L: Whoa...then if I get my car,money, and chocolate...what's the point of getting new stuff?

T: Say what?

L: I mean...If I get back the car, what's the point of buying one?

And if I get back the money, why would I buy more chocolate, when I got back the chocolate the hobo took?

T: .....?

L: Yeah, that's what I thought.


L: Okay, goodness lady.

*Lilly gets up and and walks out of studio when 1 minute later Tyia suddenly hears an ear piercing scream, words like, 'BEAT IT, BUSTER!' or 'YOU NASTY HOBO!' and the ever popular 'YOU'RE A WAFFLE EATER!'*

T: Lilly?.....

*A hobo drives through studio like a maniac in a sleek black mustang convertible yelling, 'I GOTTA DEE MONAY! I GOTTA DEE COCOA! I GOTTA DEE CAR!'
Lilly stumbles in*

L: I told you!

T: :O


Never trust a hobo to carry your things for you because your arms hurt.